Innovation and tradition: Recrytera for the “Stanislao Giacomantonio” Conservatory of music

For the first time in history, Recrytera’s technological innovation met the art of music during a competition for the recruitment of teachers in the subjects of “Theory of Harmony and Analysis” and “Theory, Rhythmics and Musical Perception” held by the Stanislao Giacomantonio Conservatory of Cosenza.

In a context where precision and creativity are essential, the Conservatory decided to implement the use of state-of-the-art digital tools as a forerunner of this innovative mode and thanks to the Recrytera solution.

The candidates were not only provided with a tablet complete with keyboard and pen, a combination that allowed them to blend the convenience of digital with the tradition of musical writing, but also headphones.

For what? Let’s find out in the article.

A new era for competitions in the Conservatories

The headphones allowed the candidates to listen to the piece extracted from a repertoire proposed by the commission and with the tablet, equipped with keyboard and pen, they were able to write both in the open field and on music paper. This approach facilitated the writing of musical notes and the elaboration of harmonic analyses in a fluid and intuitive manner.

The revolutionary digital process made possible by Recrytera has brought numerous advantages:

  • Accuracy: digital writing eliminates the inaccuracies typical of traditional pen and paper.
  • Efficiency: the ability to quickly edit and correct notes.
  • Accessibility: candidates were able to work more ergonomically.

The advantages of a competition with Recrytera

The adoption of these technologies represents a major step forward for the Cosenza Conservatory of music, demonstrating a concrete commitment to innovation and educational excellence.

This initiative could pave the way for further technological applications in the field of music education, offering students and teachers increasingly effective tools for learning and teaching. Furthermore, it demonstrated how the combination of musical tradition and advanced technology not only facilitates the selection process but also raises the level of precision and creativity required of future teachers.

Once again, Recrytera stands as a pioneer in the adoption of innovative solutions for personnel selection and the digitization of competition procedures, looking forward to a future where art and technology work harmoniously together.

Recrytera protagonista a Londra all'E-Assessment Association Conference 2024

Recrytera attends E-Assessment Association Conference 2024 in London

The E-Assessment conference, the world’s leading event in the field of digital assessment and examinations, took place in London from 10 to 12 June 2024 at the Hilton London Bankside.

The event was also attended by Recrytera, which has always been a pioneer in the fully digital management of public competitions, open to international contamination with the best practices of experts in the field and always at the forefront of the latest trends in digital evaluation.

The central topic of the conference was the role of technology in improving the user experience in the assessment process: from test development, psychometrics, and the importance of UX/UI design in the candidate experience.

An interesting study was the one presented by Duolingo, entitled “Measure Variability in Proctor Decision Making on High-Stakes Assessments: Improving Test Security in the Digital Age.“, which won the best research award at the International E-Assessment Awards 2024.

The focus of the study was on the variability in proctor decision making on an English language test.

Even though proctoring is internationally considered to be the fundamental tool for ensuring test security, investigations have shown how in reality proctors systematically differ in their decision-making process; a circumstance that leads to real inconsistency and variability in the evaluation process. Such a scenario poses significant problems for both test users and test providers, both of whom rely on a secure and transparent evaluation process and the satisfaction of seeing a certain result.

Candidate satisfaction, the security of the test and the guarantee of equal opportunities and a fair and transparent process have always been the objectives pursued by Recrytera, whose experience in the management of selection procedures has made it stand out for the originality, foresight and innovation of its approach.

Once again, Recrytera was able to show its true colors and put its solution and philosophy, which eliminates the grey areas left by proctoring, in the international spotlight. This has made it possible to bring the innovative model of digital recruitment to the attention of industry suppliers, even beyond national borders, and to meet the needs of international public administrations and academia.

Read more: Research on Proctoring

From paper to tablet: how competition management has changed

From paper to tablet: how competition management has changed

The evolution of public selection management has faced major changes in just a few years, some due to force majeure events that no one was prepared for.

While the pandemic wave, which paralysed the entire world for more than two years, with emergency fighting and subsequent recovery phases, was a major setback, it also represented a major step forward to a new way of living and dealing with every aspect of personal and working life.

In this new scenario, the world of competitions had to adapt and reinvent itself in the way selection was conceived: if in fact, in the pre-Covid era, competition procedures had to be carried out in person, the post-pandemic years saw the advent of the remote mode, exploiting the use of technological tools with a view to optimizing logistics and health protection safety.

Below, we retrace the salient stages in the use of tools that have enabled the management of public competitions in recent years up to the advent of a new digital era.


The Paper-based Method

As the only mode of conducting public selections, for a long-time paper also acquired connotations of familiarity for those who were approaching the tests of a public competition for the first time.

Soon, however, it was realized that the classic mode was obsolete and remained behind the advances of technological progress and social awareness of new issues under debate, first and foremost the protection of personal data and the fight against environmental pollution.


The introduction of computers into the world of competition procedures has established the first step towards what will be the race towards digitization.

The use of computers amplified the margins of intervention in the resolution of problems that arose during the procedure, such as the possibility of correcting errors and speeding up the processing of examination papers.

However, there remained the rigidity of a system that, although computerized, did not eliminate the use of paper, did not solve privacy and environmental problems, and above all forced competition users and administrators to face logistical inconveniences due to exhausting travel, long waits, and great waste of energy.


Online Proctoring

The advent of the pandemic significantly changed the situation in competition procedures. On one hand, the need to continue holding competitions, on the other hand, the need to protect personal health and the need to comply with new anti-contagious measures led to the emergence of a new system in the management of public selections, totally remotely.

Online proctoring, while initially advantageous, particularly in terms of the mode and convenience of managing the tests entirely online, has raised major issues in terms of personal data protection, the handling of sensitive data, and the fairness and transparency of the selection process.



The tablet has recently entered the world of competitions, starting in 2021, and with the subsequent regulatory reforms about competitions, it is destined to become the main management tool for all phases of competition procedures.

The tablet is presented as an autonomous device attributed to each candidate, associated with a Sim, which allows the input of texts and graphic elaborations, including the use of an electronic pen.

Thanks to the use of the tablet, space limitations, which in the past have led to serious logistical problems and excessive time extension, unacceptable for competitions with thousands of candidates, are overcome.

Technological innovation has also optimized the preparatory phases of the tests: during check-in, candidates are identified by a wristband with QR code: a secure encryption system based on a public/private key typical of blockchain systems.

This technology, which was the basis for the development of the system, guarantees the inalterability and uniqueness of the proof.

The data entered is not lost even if the device breaks or malfunctions.


Recrytera looks to the future

The Dromedian Group, to which Recrytera belongs, has specialized for almost 20 years in helping PAs access the best technological solutions to solve their challenges, accelerating their digital transformation in a rapidly changing environment.

Recrytera’s mission is to ensure:

  • better standards for the organization of competitions in terms of efficiency, scalability and accessibility;
  • environmental sustainability, including a conscious decision to abolish the use of paper and greater environmental protection;
  • security and transparency in the processing of personal data, by reducing the risk of sensitive data leakage;
  • greater participation of candidates, by providing for competitions to be held in locations throughout the country.


The choice of methodology to be followed for the management of public competitions requires a careful evaluation of the many factors that come into play.

Compared to the past, where each solution had advantageous and unfavorable aspects, the use of tablets stands out as a balanced approach, able to summarize and effectively meet the needs of technology, security, data protection, and ecology, thus becoming a promising solution for all administrations looking to the future.

Experience a revolutionary way of living competitions, contact us!

Tablet vs. proctoring competitions: which implications for candidate stress

Tablet vs. proctoring competitions: which implications for candidate stress?

Preparation for public competitions requires significant commitment and a well-defined strategy; however, it is often accompanied by a considerable level of stress for aspiring candidates. Managing studies and personal life can be particularly challenging, but thanks to technological innovations in recent years, there is a path towards a more efficient and less stressful process for all participants. The introduction of tablets during competitive examinations has brought about a significant change, offering a more modern solution adapted to the needs of competitors.

Impact of technology on stress in public competitions

It is not unusual for candidates to experience a high level of emotional stress in the run-up to a competition. The competition poses a considerable challenge for those preparing for it. The pressure associated with the amount of study required to tackle tests that can influence the course of one’s career is considerable. However, one of the elements that contributes most to stress is the practical handling of the test.

The introduction of technology has shown that it can ‘relieve’ this tension: the shift from traditional paper-based tests to the use of tablets offers a sense of security for competitors, allowing them to face the exam with greater peace of mind and confidence in their abilities.

Not only that, but this has also brought a speed of proceedings that is not comparable to the past, both in terms of corrections and in terms of daily competition sessions.

How public competitions work with tablets

In the past, public competitions were conducted exclusively on paper. However, with the advent of digital technologies, the competition landscape has undergone a significant transformation. The solutions offered, such as those provided by Recrytera, have made it possible to adopt a more efficient and modern approach.

Within the competition venues, participants receive personal tablets, through which they access the designated platform to take the tests. This approach not only speeds up the process of taking and correcting the tests, but also ensures greater transparency and security in the selection process.

Advantages of tablet competitions

But what are the real benefits of competing using the tablet? Let us look at some of them.

Efficiency and speed: the time required to run and correct tests is significantly reduced, allowing for faster and smoother management of the competition process.

Environmental sustainability: the elimination of paper reduces environmental impact, reflecting a commitment to more sustainable practices.

Transparency and security: using technology, greater transparency in the selection process is ensured, reducing the possibility of challenges or disputes.

Centralized management: the adoption of digital solutions enables a more centralized and coordinated management of the competition process, ensuring uniformity and consistency in procedures.

What is proctoring and what it signifies for candidates

While digital technology offers many advantages in the context of public competitions, it is essential to carefully consider the practical aspects and implications associated with the use of online proctoring. Online proctoring, or online monitoring, is a way of remotely monitoring participants during the conduct of competitive examinations, conducted by a proctor who verifies the candidate’s identity and monitors activities during the test.

The introduction of online proctoring, made necessary in the times of the COVID-19 pandemic, has not failed to raise some critical issues that require careful evaluation.

These undoubtedly include the presence of limitations in the ability to detect and prevent fraudulent behavior on the part of candidates, intrusions into the privacy of participants through active microphones and webcams, and complex issues regarding the accessibility of public competitions, an issue to which increasing attention needs to be paid as required by the social context in which we live.

Proctoring - Disadvantages of online contests

Proctoring – Disadvantages of online contests

Proctoring, or online monitoring, is a method of remotely monitoring candidates during competitive examinations. It is carried out by a proctor who verifies the candidate’s identity and monitors activities during the examination. The introduction of online proctoring, made necessary by the COVID-19 pandemic, has raised some critical issues that require careful evaluation.

Security and integrity

One of the main points of discussion concerns the effectiveness of proctoring in ensuring the security and integrity of competitive testing. Although remote monitoring allows a certain degree of supervision during the conduct of the test, there are limitations in the ability to identify and prevent irregular behaviour by participants. The possibility that candidates may bypass control measures using sophisticated elusion techniques or the complicity of third parties raises doubts about the real effectiveness of proctoring in ensuring the fairness and impartiality of evaluations.

Privacy and personal data

The adoption of online proctoring raises concerns about the privacy and security of candidates’ personal data. The need to allow remote access to cameras and microphones on participants’ devices during the conduct of tests can be perceived as an intrusion into privacy and raises concerns about the protection of sensitive data. The possibility of third parties gaining undue access to candidates’ personal data or using it for unauthorized purposes poses a serious threat to information security and trust in the competition process.

Doubts about equal access to candidates

In addition, online proctoring raises other questions regarding the fairness and accessibility of competition tests. Disparities in access to reliable technology and secure internet connections may compromise the participation of some candidates, introducing elements of inequality into the selection process. Lack of uniformity in the conditions under which the tests are conducted may negatively affect the results and affect the credibility of the competition process.

The overall experience of candidates while taking tests under online monitoring can be compromised by external factors, such as technical problems or interruptions of the Internet connection. In fact, not a few candidates have complained – over time – about problems with retesting and re-testing due to no or interrupted internet connection.


The impact of such inconveniences on participants’ concentration and performance can seriously affect the results and raise doubts about the validity and reliability of the evaluations.

Thus, although online proctoring may offer advantages in terms of cost savings, it does not guarantee privacy, security and fairness to all participants.

The future of competitions: moving from paper to digital

The future of competitions: moving from paper to digital

The evolution of public competition procedures has reached a significant turning point with the shift from the traditional paper-based mode to digital platforms. This change represents not only the future, but already the present of selections.

A new win-win approach for PA and candidates

In recent years, the adoption of digital platforms has brought many advantages. Among them, security, transparency and environmental sustainability play a key role.

This new approach not only simplifies the selection procedures, but also reduces stress for both organizers and candidates.

The introduction of tablets in competitions has eliminated the mistakes that characterized paper-based tests, reducing disputes and complaints. These modern and efficient tools have simplified the entire competition process, both in the public administration and in the private sector, responding decisively to European environmental requirements and drastically reducing the use of paper material in selections.

Dematerializing the selection process using tablets and IT tools made it easier for candidates to submit the necessary application documents, while ensuring anonymity and impartiality during the tests. It also simplified access to the services of the procedures and sped up the outcome, respecting the environment without wasting paper.

For the organizers, the adoption of digital platforms offers a streamlined and professional procedure suitable for all types of competitions.

Organizers can count on experienced companies ready to support them at every stage of the process, allowing selection procedures to be carried out in different locations and reducing the total time required for the tests.

Seizing an opportunity

For companies that do not adapt to the new digital platforms, it means losing the opportunity to manage their human resources quickly, safely and professionally, while respecting the environment, sustainability and technological innovation.

This digitization is not just a technological change, but a way to improve the efficiency, transparency and sustainability of competition procedures, contributing to a more modern and environmentally friendly future.