Recrytera attends E-Assessment Association Conference 2024 in London

Recrytera protagonista a Londra all'E-Assessment Association Conference 2024

The E-Assessment conference, the world’s leading event in the field of digital assessment and examinations, took place in London from 10 to 12 June 2024 at the Hilton London Bankside.

The event was also attended by Recrytera, which has always been a pioneer in the fully digital management of public competitions, open to international contamination with the best practices of experts in the field and always at the forefront of the latest trends in digital evaluation.

The central topic of the conference was the role of technology in improving the user experience in the assessment process: from test development, psychometrics, and the importance of UX/UI design in the candidate experience.

An interesting study was the one presented by Duolingo, entitled “Measure Variability in Proctor Decision Making on High-Stakes Assessments: Improving Test Security in the Digital Age.“, which won the best research award at the International E-Assessment Awards 2024.

The focus of the study was on the variability in proctor decision making on an English language test.

Even though proctoring is internationally considered to be the fundamental tool for ensuring test security, investigations have shown how in reality proctors systematically differ in their decision-making process; a circumstance that leads to real inconsistency and variability in the evaluation process. Such a scenario poses significant problems for both test users and test providers, both of whom rely on a secure and transparent evaluation process and the satisfaction of seeing a certain result.

Candidate satisfaction, the security of the test and the guarantee of equal opportunities and a fair and transparent process have always been the objectives pursued by Recrytera, whose experience in the management of selection procedures has made it stand out for the originality, foresight and innovation of its approach.

Once again, Recrytera was able to show its true colors and put its solution and philosophy, which eliminates the grey areas left by proctoring, in the international spotlight. This has made it possible to bring the innovative model of digital recruitment to the attention of industry suppliers, even beyond national borders, and to meet the needs of international public administrations and academia.

Read more: Research on Proctoring