We organize fair recruitments through paperless exams
Key numbers
Our achievements so far
Candidates handled since 2021
Candidates in a single, multi-location session
Number of annual procedures
Questions administred
Complaints so far

A scalable platform
Recrytera, one digital solution for your entire recruitment process
We Digitise your exams with an easy-to-use, stress-free and scalable solution
Through our patented methodology you will benefit from a partner that will accompany you in all the steps of your recruitment process.
Accelerate your digital transformation
Recrytera is a reliable and easy to use platform for complex recruitments, large-scale competitions that can work on multiple sites simultaneously.
A trusted partner
Our teams of experts will help you in every step of the process. We will help you in the organisation of the exams, the locations and logistics, and assist you in providing your candidates a reliable and fair solution for their selection.
Focus on what is important
Our vision is to help you focus on setting up your recruitment strategy without having to worry about its execution, thanks to our solution we will help you saving time for what is more important to you.
The solution
Recrytera is the digital solution for carrying out the entire procedure for:
With Recrytera, you can:
- Improve anonymization: Recrytera assigns a unique ID to each candidate and hides their personal information from the examiners. This ensures that the candidates are evaluated solely on their merit and not on their name, gender, ethnicity, or background.
- Increase scalability: Recrytera can handle any number of candidates and exams, also in multi-location without compromising on quality or security. You can easily monitor and control the exam process from a centralized dashboard. You can also customize the exam settings, such as time limit and question type, to suit your needs.
- Erase inequality: Recrytera levels the playing field for all candidates by providing them with the same tools and conditions. No more worries about paper quality, pen color, handwriting, or formatting. Recrytera also supports accessibility features, such as text-to-speech, magnification, and contrast, to accommodate candidates with special needs.
- Enable sustainability through technology: with a complete paperless solution, reduce your carbon footprint and improve your efficiency.

Recrytera in action
Recrytera is the digital solution for carrying out the entire procedure for:
Our top priority is Quality and Security

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