Digital Revolution in Public Recruitment: the success case of Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli with Recrytera

digital revolution in public recruitment

In the heart of the digital era, the Italian public administration is embracing innovation to face an epic challenge: renewing its workforce by drawing on new generations.

The first step in this new direction was taken with the launch of a considerable number of public competitions held in totally digital form. An innovation which has made it possible, in 2021, to hire 45,000 young people in the PA, with permanent contracts, and to foresee for the following years a number equal to 300,000 recruitments.

At the center of this transformation process there is Recrytera, whose technological and methodological support is redefining the methods of personnel selection in the PA. Let’s discover together how Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli has experienced this change, achieving incredible results.

Recrytera leads PA towards digitization

Starting in early 2021, Recrytera is leading the way in the digitization of PAs, managing public competitions in a totally innovative way, using ten thousand tablets for the conduct of tests, a wristband equipped with a QR code for the identification of candidates, which has enabled the speeding up of the accreditation and recognition phase.

All this has allowed 1.5 million candidates to be examined and a reduction in the percentage of appeals and disputes.

Not only that, but the technological approach has also made it possible to reduce the time of the selections, allowing them to be handled simultaneously, even remotely and in geographically distinct locations, and to conclude them in a much shorter time than with the paper-based method.


The experience of Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli
Aiming for the future by learning from the past

This is the choice made by Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli which, for the new competition scheduled for 2024, has chosen to rely once again on the clever technologies provided by Recrytera.

Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli is a non-economic public body with legal personality and wide regulatory, administrative, patrimonial, organizational, accounting and financial autonomy, politically dependent on the Ministry of Finance.

The first contact between the Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli and Recrytera took place in 2021 when the Agency decided to call for a tender, making the suitability in the digital management of the entire tender process one of the requirements for its entrustment.

The entrusting included the eventual pre-selection phase, the provision of hardware and related support, and the coordination between the various decentralized locations intended for holding the competition. All this during a pandemic, one of the most complex periods in modern history.

The surprising results achieved by Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli

In the course of 2021, through the constant support of Recrytera, Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli finalised a major recruitment procedure, totally digitally.

Recrytrera’s support enabled the Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli to carry out the selection simultaneously in sixteen different locations throughout the country and to recruit more than 1,200 functionaries in 8 months, selected from 180,000 candidates, with a very low drop-out rate of around 5%.

Further achievements were the great reduction in the time taken to complete the entire procedure, between the publication of the competition notice and the publication of the final ranking of the winners, and a total elimination of the error rate compared to the classic paper-based procedure.

Recrytera cares about environmental protection

An issue that Recrytera has always focused on is environmental protection.

The use of tablets and, more generally, of all technological devices has made it possible to cut down on problems related to environmental pollution, and to the disproportionate use of paper.

All this has prompted Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli for the second time to draw up a new framework agreement that provides for the launch of new competition procedures aimed at the participation of thousands of candidates.

Said and done.

Between 2022 and 2023, Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli published and announced new selections for more than 1,000 candidates, and in 2024 it published a new competition for 564 full-time and permanent positions, whose applications were collected in a totally digital form, for various professional figures: these are experts in various fields ranging from communication to more technical-professional sectors.

The success of Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli should serve as a wake-up call for all PAs that still rely on traditional recruitment methods. It is time to look beyond, to take an example from those who have dared to innovate, achieving surprising results.

Recrytera: PA’s partner in the digitization challenge

Recrytera acts as a strategic partner for PAs wishing to embark on this path of renewal, offering not only the technology but also the expertise and support needed to navigate the change.

We invite all public administrations to reflect on the potential of digitization in public competitions. It is an opportunity to take a qualitative step forward in human resources management, improving not only internal efficiency but also the service offered to citizens. The ADM case with Recrytera is not only a success story, but a model to follow, an example of how technology can be put at the service of a more modern PA, accessible and close to everyone’s needs.

Contacting Recrytera will allow you to find out how you can turn your organization into a benchmark for public sector innovation, creating selection processes that are at the same time effective, fair and sustainable.

The future of public administration starts today, and it is digital. Are you ready to be part of it?